Affiliated with the trade association Singles Keurmerk
● Article 1 – Definitions
● Article 2 – Application of General Terms and Conditions
● Article 3 – Information and evaluation
● Article 4 – Introduction
● Article 5 – The agreement
● Article 6 – Cooling off period
● Article 7 – Duration and termination of the agreement
● Article 8 – Duty of care of the Entrepreneur
● Article 9 – Privacy protection
● Article 10 – Payment obligation of the Client
● Article 11 – Other obligations of the Customer
● Article 12 – Dissolution of the agreement
● Article 13 – Complaints
● Article 14 – Dispute settlement
Article 1 – Definitions
In these General Terms and Conditions the following terms are defined:
- Relationship mediation: relationship building services aimed at bringing singles together permanently.
- Entrepreneur, henceforth be known as DTNG.: the natural or legal person who conducts relationship mediation in a professional or business capacity;
- Client: the natural person, not acting in the exercise of a profession or business.
- Agreement: the agreement relating to relationship mediation between the Client and DTNG., in whatever form concluded.
- Contact opportunity: the opportunity offered by DTNG. to the Client to
contact a potential partner. A contact possibility is also understood to mean a group
meeting to get to know the Client. - Terms and Conditions: the General Terms and Conditions of the Singles Keurmerk
Article 2 – Application of General Terms and Conditions
- DTNG. is obliged to declare these General Terms and Conditions applicable to the Agreement with the Client and to provide them to the Client before or at the time of their conclusion.
- DTNG. may deviate from these Terms and Conditions only for the benefit of the Client.
Article 3 – Information and evaluation
1. DTNG. shall provide the Client with information in writing or electronically prior to the
conclusion of the Agreement about:
- the form(s) of relationship mediation offered by DTNG.;
- the duration of the Agreement
- the working method to be used;
- the fee to be paid by the Client.
2. The information referred to in paragraph 1 must give the Client a clear picture of what
he/she may expect in terms of services from DTNG. DTNG. will regularly evaluate
the course of the mediation with the Client.
Article 4 – Introduction
The initial introductory meeting between DTNG. and the Client is free of charge and lasts no longer than half an hour. If DTNG. wishes to charge for this meeting, this must be explicitly made known to the Client in advance and the Client must agree to this in writing.
Article 5 – The agreement
The Agreement shall be concluded in writing or electronically and shall be provided with a date on which the services will commence. If the Agreement is entered into electronically, it shall not be concluded until the Client has received the confirmation of the conclusion of the Agreement.
Article 6 – Cooling off period
The Client who has concluded the Agreement outside the sales area of DTNG. has the right to cancel the Agreement within fourteen days free of charge. This statutory cooling- off period cannot be excluded by DTNG. If, at the request of the Client, DTNG. has already started its work for the Client during this cooling-off period, a fee may be charged in the event of cancellation by the Client, provided that the Client has agreed to this in the Agreement.
Article 7 – Duration and termination of the agreement
- The Agreement is concluded for a fixed period of time. If the Client cancels the Agreement prematurely, after the reflection period but before the end date of the Agreement, he/she will owe DTNG. the registration fee, the administration fee and the other contractually agreed costs, provided that DTNG. cannot be blamed for the cancellation.
- The assignment to DTNG. is completed (and thus full payment is due) when the term of the Agreement has expired or as soon as there have been sufficient Contact opportunities during that period.
- If and for so long as the Client enters into a relationship during the term of the Agreement, whether or not through mediation by DTNG., he/she shall notify DTNG. and mediation by DTNG. shall be suspended for the duration of that relationship. The Client cannot derive any rights from the Agreement during that period and is not entitled to a refund of any funds paid. In any case, the services of DTNG. will end with the expiration of the term of the Agreement.
Article 8 – Duty of care of the Entrepreneur
DTNG. makes sure to exercise the care of a good relationship agency in the performance of the Agreement with respect to the Client. To this end:
- DTNG. employs competent staff,
- in case of relationship mediation, DTNG. applies an appropriate selection
and offers a reasonable number of Contact opportunities, depending on the justified expectations of the Client and the information provided at the intake interview, the brochures and the profile drawn up.
Article 9 – Privacy protection
- DTNG. shall process the personal data of the Client in a proper and careful manner and in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (AVG) and the Data Breach Notification Act.
- The Client will be informed about their rights as a data subject through DTNG.’s Privacy Statement, and DTNG. guarantees to be able to exercise all rights granted to data subjects by the AVG.
- DTNG. shall destroy the personal data of the Client no later than two years after the end of the Agreement.
- Any loss of personal data of Candidates/Clients of DTNG., including the accidental addressing of privacy sensitive messages to wrong senders, must be reported to DTNG. within 24 hours of discovery by the Client in view of the possible obligation to report that privacy incident to the Authority for the Protection of Personal Data or any other regulator.
Article 10 – Payment obligation of the Client
- The Client is obliged to pay the invoice(s) of DTNG. in a timely manner.
- Where payment in fixed instalments has been agreed, payment must be received by DTNG. on the day on which an instalment falls due.
- If payment in fixed installments has not been agreed upon, the Client must pay within 14 days after the invoice date.
- If the Client fails to pay on time, he/she shall be in default. DTNG. shall
send the Client a payment reminder after the payment term has expired, in which it points out the Client’s default and gives the Client the opportunity to pay within 14 days. This letter shall explicitly state the consequences of non-payment, including the amount of the collection charges then to be claimed in accordance with the Collection Charges Act (Wet Incassokosten). - The Client is not in default insofar as he/she demonstrates that he/she is authorized to suspend his/her payment.
Article 11 – Other obligations of the Customer
- The Client undertakes to behave correctly towards DTNG. and the persons introduced to the Client in the context of the performance of the Agreement.
- The Client is obliged to maintain confidentiality with regard to personal data of potential partners and shall indemnify DTNG. against third party claims if liability arises due to the Client’s breach of the confidentiality obligation.
- The Client undertakes to cooperate with the services of DTNG. This means, among other things, that after a Contact Opportunity has been realized, the Client shall actually make the acquaintance within a reasonable term if the proposed candidate so wishes. Thereafter, the Client will let DTNG. know within a reasonable time whether or not a subsequent Contact Opportunity is expected.
Article 12 – Dissolution of the agreement
If a party fails to comply with the Agreement, the other party is entitled to dissolve the Agreement, unless the failure does not justify dissolution due to its special nature or minor importance. Dissolution can be justified, among other things, in the event that DTNG. breaches his duty of care as stated in article 8 or in the event that the Client breaches his duty to act correctly as stated in article 11.
Article 13 – Complaints
- Complaints about the execution of the Agreement and about the protection of personal data must be submitted to DTNG. in writing. DTNG. must respond to the complaint in substance within one month. The Client is/are free to submit complaints about privacy protection to the Authority for the Protection of Personal Data in The Hague as well.
- If DTNG. does not respond (in a timely manner), the Client can make use of the dispute resolution procedure.
Article 14 – Dispute settlement
- Disputes between the Client and DTNG. regarding the Agreement may be submitted to the independent Disputes Committee on Relationship Mediation (hereinafter “The Committee”) of the Trade Association Singles Keurmerk (BVSK).
- The Commission uses a dispute regulation that can be consulted on the website and can also be requested from DTNG. free of charge. The complaint must be submitted in writing to the Committee within six months of the termination of the Agreement. Written also includes electronic submission of the dispute via the Committee’s email address: (or
- For the handling of a dispute, a complaint fee is payable in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Dispute Settlement Rules.
- In addition to the Committee, the civil judge is also competent to deal with disputes.